Chlorine Pro
About Us
Chlorine Pro prides itself on our commitment to excellence for every pool service, renovation, repair and cleaning we perform. Our experienced team knows what to look for to keep your pool clean and running properly throughout the entire summer. You can rely on Chlorine Pro to be there for you within 24-48 hours of your call, 365 days a year. Our team of service technicians have the experience and training to provide you with the best possible solutions to keep your pool and spa running efficiently with sparkling clean water from start to finish.
Additional Pool Services:
Pool Openings and Closings
Swimming Pool and Maintenance
Vinyl Liner & Safety Cover Installation
Leak Detection and Repairs
Commercial Pools
Inground Pool Construction
Salt Water Specialist
Aquatic Division
Sales, Service & Repairs of:
Filter, Pump & Heating Systems
Chemical Controllers & Feeders
Automation Control Systems
Anodes & Cathodic Protection
Leak Detection & Repairs
Acid Washing
Pool Openings & Closings
Safety & Automatic Covers
Pool Consulting Indoctrination & Evaluations
Pool & Spa Accessories
Chemical Division
Sales, Service & Supply of:
Liquid Chlorine Carboys
Tank Truck Deliveries
Granular Chlorines
Chlorine & Bromine Tablets
Chlorine Generators
Water Analyzers & Controllers
pH Products, Clarifiers & Cleaners
Ice Melting Products (Salts)

#1 Seller of Premium
Chlorine Products.
Pool Chemicals
Chlorine Pro offers a wide selection of premium chlorine pool products consisting of high quality algaecides, balancers, enhancers, disinfectants, and shocks. We will help you keep your pool in top shape. For more information contact a Chlorine Pro pool technician at: 917-776-4549.

We use Premium Chlorine Products

Chlorine Pro
Pool Maintenance
Our Pool Maintenance Includes:
Vacuum entire pool, including steps.
Brush walls, tile line, and slope.
Empty skimmer baskets and inspect baskets for cracks (very important).
Skim top of pool with net.
Adjust eye balls so they are leaving a nice ripple effect on surface of water & facing skimmers.
Check pump basket is clean of debris.
Check psi of filter (when pressure is 8-10 psi higher than normal start-up pressure, then it’s time to backwash).
Filters that need to be back washed (sand & DE filters) will be identified on invoice for future records. Diatomaceous Earth filters will be re-charged with DE powder once the back washing process is completed.
Filter site will be thoroughly checked for any visible leaks. Simple leaks that just require lubrication of gaskets or to tighten a fitting will be performed on site. If something is more complicated, the office will be contacted right away by the maintenance technician, so we can set up a service call with one of our lead technicians.
Chlorinators will be filled with slow dissolving chlorine tablets so they last until next visit.
Full chemical analysis.
Chemicals added depending on test results & total swimming pool gallons.
A complete invoice of all work performed along with chemical results will be left with customer.